Erich ThalheimerErich Thalheimer
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Used the Cadna-a model to predict bridge traffic noise levels at nearby receptors in Kittery anticipated with changing the bridge deck from open-grated to solid concrete with the addition of clear Plexiglas wind barriers along
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Attachment 3: Annotated Bibliography of Information Potentially Pertaining to Management of Rare Fungi on the Special Status Species list for California, Oregon, and WashingtonAttachment 3: Annotated Bibliography of Information Potentially Pertaining to Management of Rare Fungi on the Special Status Species list for California, Oregon, and Washington
Annotated Bibliography of Information Potentially Pertaining to Management of Rare Fungi on the Special Status Species list for California, Oregon, and Washington
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There has been a large amount of information with varying conclusions and recommendations published about ad/hdThere has been a large amount of information with varying conclusions and recommendations published about ad/hd
Battle lines have been drawn, and caught in the middle of this controversial cyclone are the student with ad/HD, his parents, and the teacher
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E pct/WG/5/4 original: English date: May 21, 2012 Patent Cooperation Treaty (pct) Working Group Fifth Session Geneva, May 29 to June 1, 2012E pct/WG/5/4 original: English date: May 21, 2012 Patent Cooperation Treaty (pct) Working Group Fifth Session Geneva, May 29 to June 1, 2012
A number of delegates welcomed the report and found it to be comprehensive and useful. However, other delegates expressed concern that the study failed to address the root causes for the surge
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Residents’ perception of the financial impact of cultural tourism in their city. The case of trikala city. Greece mitoula RoidoResidents’ perception of the financial impact of cultural tourism in their city. The case of trikala city. Greece mitoula Roido
Residents’ perception of the financial impact of cultural tourism in their city. The case of trikala city. Greece
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Our Women as Coaches now \"The Glass Ceiling Report Card\"Our Women as Coaches now "The Glass Ceiling Report Card"
Sue Enquist (softball coach at ucla), Sherri Coale (women’s basketball coach at Oklahoma), and so on. Just as it does for the players of Joe Paterno (Penn State football) Roy Williams
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Gary C. HarpsterGary C. Harpster
Overland Consulting
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Unep/cbd/mcb/EM/2014/4/inf/1 12 August 2014Unep/cbd/mcb/EM/2014/4/inf/1 12 August 2014
Expert workshop to provide consolidated practical guidance and a toolkit for marine spatial planning
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